Thursday 27 July 2017

Optionetics Options Trading Strategies 9 Hrs

Por consumidores, para os consumidores. Optionetics - George Fontanills - Tom Gentile ripoff Publicidade enganosa, Seminário e materiais de curso OK, mas certas informações críticas foram (deliberadamente) omitidas em suas propagandas e promessas Redwood City California. Isso é bastante longo. Se você deseja não lê isso, é o ponto principal: não é que eles estão dizendo mentiras. Em vez disso, é apenas que certas informações críticas foram (deliberadamente) omitidas em suas propagandas e promessas. Primeiro, a parte boa: 1) Os seminários e materiais de curso oferecidos pela Optionetics não são ruins. Na verdade, a maioria dos especuladores do mercado de ações provavelmente poderia se beneficiar com eles. A informação é apresentada de forma fácil de entender e cumpre a promessa de negociação com risco controlado. Parabéns por trazer essa informação de qualidade para o público. 2) Eles honram seu reembolso se você completar as 36 negociações no período de 6 meses, conforme necessário. No entanto, leia mais sobre este ponto. Aqui vem a parte ruim: 1) As 36 negociações necessárias para obter o reembolso - De acordo com sua definição, um comércio não é usado no sentido convencional como o conhecemos (comprando ou vendendo uma opção). É a compra e venda completamente. Como você pode ler das queixas anteriores, muitas pessoas ficaram desagradáveis ​​quando aprenderam isso. Seu site esclarece isso nos detalhes da garantia. Mas talvez eles possam tornar isso mais claro para o público nos seminários de informações gratuitas. 2) Os testemunhos maravilhosos - OK, talvez tudo nos depoimentos seja verdade (200 retornam em um mês, blá blá blá). Mas se alguém lê críticas, as seguintes questões devem surgir: a) Em que período esses ganhos ocorreram Por exemplo, no período 1999-2000, praticamente todo mundo estava fazendo esse tipo de retorno, sem qualquer ajuda de um curso 3000. B) E quanto aos registros de longo prazo Em outras palavras, quais são os retornos médios que utilizam o sistema. É altamente improvável que qualquer um possa sustentar 300 retornos em 6 meses (ou seja o que for) por qualquer período superior a um ano. Pense nisso: mesmo o melhor investidor na história, Warren Buffett, conseguiu uma média de carreira de apenas 24 compostos anualmente. Alguém pode esperar esses ultrajantes (100) retornos em uma base regular Esta pergunta, obviamente, responde a si mesmo. Pode-se argumentar que este sistema usa opções para obter mais alavancagem e, portanto, maiores retornos. Se assim for, os profissionais que não gostariam de Buffett usam isso ainda mais, e assim conseguem obter retornos mais elevados c) Quanto dinheiro é necessário, para ganhar a propina de 3 vezes (9000) dentro de 6 meses. A Optionetics diz que se pode começar com Muito pouco (50). Mas faça a matemática, 50 a 9000 em 6 meses equivale a um retorno de 18000, ou 36000 anualizados. Observe que as comissões ou impostos já foram omitidos. Se assumimos um retorno anual de 50, isso ainda requer um investimento inicial de (9000 2) 150 12000. Isso está longe de começar com muito pouco. D) Quais ferramentas são necessárias para trabalhar o sistema Os programas de software caros utilizados pelos instrutores no curso NÃO estão incluídos nas propinas do curso. Seja um inferno se alguém quiser procurar os negócios manualmente. No entanto, isso não é mencionado na sessão de informações. Seria bom se a Optionetics esclarecesse os pontos acima em suas propagandas. Como mencionado anteriormente, eles não estão mentindo, mas são enganadores. Os clientes potenciais fariam bem se examinassem criticamente as reivindicações e não deixassem que sua ganância nuesse seu julgamento. Simon Seattle, Washington, EUA Este relatório foi publicado no Relatório Ripoff em 11172004 07:06 PM e é um registro permanente localizado aqui: ripoffreportrOptioneticsRedwood-City-California-94065Optionetics-George-Fontanills-Tom-Gentile-ripoff-Misleading-Publicidade-Seminário - E-118527. O tempo de publicação indicado é hora local do Arizona. O Arizona não observa a economia diurna para que o tempo de publicação seja Montanha ou Pacífico, dependendo da época do ano. O relatório Ripoff possui uma licença exclusiva para este relatório. Não pode ser copiado sem a permissão por escrito do Ripoff Report. Procure por relatórios adicionais Se você quiser ver mais relatórios Rip-off neste indivíduo da empresa, pesquise aqui: Para garantir os melhores resultados em sua pesquisa: Mantenha o nome simples e simples, e tente diferentes variações do nome. Não inclua, S, Inc., Corp ou LLC no final do nome da empresa. Use apenas a primeira parte principal de um nome para obter melhores resultados. Apenas procure um nome de cada vez se a empresa tiver muitas AKAs. Reportagem Reposição Responder a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa. Você também é vítima da mesma empresa ou pessoa? Deseja Justiça Arquiva um Relatório de Rip-off, ajude outros consumidores a serem educados e não os deixem fugir. Repare sua Reputação Obteve relatórios arquivados contra você Resolva os problemas e reconstrua a confiança através do nosso Programa de Advocacia Corporativa. Programa de advocacia corporativa: a melhor maneira de gerenciar e reparar a reputação de sua empresa. Ocultar queixas negativas é apenas um Band-Aid. Os consumidores querem ver como as empresas cuidam dos negócios. Todas as empresas receberão queixas. Como essas empresas cuidam dessas queixas é o que separa os bons negócios de empresas ruins. Retirar relatórios Não melhor ainda Arbitrar para definir o registro direto AUTOR: onelovenation - () ENVIADO: sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2014 PUBLICADO: sexta-feira, 16 de maio de 2014 Tudo o que tenho a dizer é que a negociação de qualquer forma (FOREX, opções, futuros , Etc.) é de 20 educação, conhecimento. E sistemas. Os outros 80 são sua própria psicologia pessoal. Eu negocio Forex. Com bastante sucesso, devo acrescentar. Eu amarrei ensinar meu sistema ao meu irmão. Ele entendeu muito bem e poderia ganhar dinheiro enquanto eu estivesse lá para lhe dar segurança quando trocar ou não. Mas, assim que ele tentou por conta própria, ele falhou e perdeu sua conta inteira. A razão foi devido à sua atitude em relação ao risco e à recompensa. Agora estou entrando em opções e correu por opções. Eu direi isso agora: nunca pague pelos sistemas. Apenas sobre tudo o que você gostaria de estar disponível na forma de pirateados. Se você pesquisar sistemas de divisas no piratebay. Você terá muitos (muitos) para escolher. Mas, é a pessoa individual que tem que seguir o sistema. O comércio não é para todos. Apenas como um médico não é para todos (eu vomito à vista do sangue) e nither é agricultura ou o que quer que seja (odeio o calor) Meu melhor conselho é obter um sistema gratuitamente e experimentá-lo em um Conta demo. Use thinkorswim para obter opções, eles permitem que você troque comércio e tenha recursos ainda melhores (gratuitamente) do que o site pago pela opção. Se você ganhar dinheiro com a demo, abra com a menor quantidade de dinheiro necessária e troque os lotes mais pequenos por alguns meses. Se você ganhar dinheiro, então mergulhe. Se não, então você não está fora de milhares de dólares em treinamento. Aqui está o link para obter o curso de vídeo opçãoetics grátis Se isso funciona para você, PAGUE POR ISSO Responda a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo ou você pode fornecer Informações legais sobre esta empresa AUTOR: Estudante - (EUA) APRESENTADO: terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 POSTADO: terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 Terminei vários cursos de Opção-Opção pagos, além de tomar aulas gratuitas de opções das pessoas da indústria de opções e leram Muitos livros de opções. O valor da opçãoética para mim foi que eu obtive uma ótima idéia dos meus riscos no mercado de opções em qualquer comércio específico e aprendi a controlar riscos em minhas ações ou a substituir estoque por opções em algumas situações. Eu não conseguiria realmente visualizar os gráficos de risco de risco de explorações até o ponto em que eu poderia desenhá-los do zero antes do Optionetics. Eu acredito que ganhei dólares suficientes usando opções como seguro em estoque para pagar as várias classes que tomei. No que diz respeito às operações de opções em geral em outros usos, acho que praticamente quebrei mesmo que eu tivesse vagas. Não posso dizer que usando técnicas fundamentais ou de confiança que eu possa confiar no estoque para fazer o que eu esperava no curto prazo. Eles fizeram um pouco no gerenciamento de dinheiro se eu lembro corretamente nos vídeos, mas não acho que fosse em profundidade, como Van Tharp e outros. Realmente houve muito material apresentado e, mesmo depois de várias visualizações, capturem nuances, perdi as outras vezes ou esqueci. Responda a este relatório Você é um proprietário, funcionário ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa AUTOR: Estudante - (EUA) APRESENTADO: terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 POSTADO: Terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 Ter concluído vários cursos de Opção-Opção pagos, bem como tomar aulas de opções gratuitas das pessoas do setor de opções e ler muitos livros de opções. O valor da opçãoética para mim foi que eu obtive uma ótima idéia dos meus riscos no mercado de opções em qualquer comércio específico e aprendi a controlar riscos em minhas ações ou a substituir estoque por opções em algumas situações. Eu não conseguiria realmente visualizar os gráficos de risco de risco de explorações até o ponto em que eu poderia desenhá-los do zero antes do Optionetics. Eu acredito que ganhei dólares suficientes usando opções como seguro em estoque para pagar as várias classes que tomei. No que diz respeito às operações de opções em geral em outros usos, acho que praticamente quebrei mesmo que eu tivesse vagas. Não posso dizer que usando técnicas fundamentais ou de confiança que eu possa confiar no estoque para fazer o que eu esperava no curto prazo. Eles fizeram um pouco no gerenciamento de dinheiro se eu lembro corretamente nos vídeos, mas não acho que fosse em profundidade, como Van Tharp e outros. Realmente houve muito material apresentado e, mesmo depois de várias visualizações, capturem nuances, perdi as outras vezes ou esqueci. Responda a este relatório Você é um proprietário, funcionário ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa AUTOR: Estudante - (EUA) APRESENTADO: terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 POSTADO: Terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 Ter concluído vários cursos de Opção-Opção pagos, bem como tomar aulas de opções gratuitas das pessoas do setor de opções e ler muitos livros de opções. O valor da opçãoética para mim foi que eu obtive uma ótima idéia dos meus riscos no mercado de opções em qualquer comércio específico e aprendi a controlar riscos em minhas ações ou a substituir estoque por opções em algumas situações. Eu não conseguiria realmente visualizar os gráficos de risco de risco de explorações até o ponto em que eu poderia desenhá-los do zero antes do Optionetics. Eu acredito que ganhei dólares suficientes usando opções como seguro em estoque para pagar as várias classes que tomei. No que diz respeito às operações de opções em geral em outros usos, acho que praticamente quebrei mesmo que eu tivesse vagas. Não posso dizer que usando técnicas fundamentais ou de confiança que eu possa confiar no estoque para fazer o que eu esperava no curto prazo. Eles fizeram um pouco no gerenciamento de dinheiro se eu lembro corretamente nos vídeos, mas não acho que fosse em profundidade, como Van Tharp e outros. Realmente houve muito material apresentado e, mesmo depois de várias visualizações, capturem nuances, perdi as outras vezes ou esqueci. Responda a este relatório Você é um proprietário, funcionário ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa AUTOR: Estudante - (EUA) APRESENTADO: terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 POSTADO: Terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2009 Ter concluído vários cursos de Opção-Opção pagos, bem como tomar aulas de opções gratuitas das pessoas do setor de opções e ler muitos livros de opções. O valor da opçãoética para mim foi que eu obtive uma ótima idéia dos meus riscos no mercado de opções em qualquer comércio específico e aprendi a controlar riscos em minhas ações ou a substituir estoque por opções em algumas situações. Eu não conseguiria realmente visualizar os gráficos de risco de risco de explorações até o ponto em que eu poderia desenhá-los do zero antes do Optionetics. Eu acredito que ganhei dólares suficientes usando opções como seguro em estoque para pagar as várias classes que tomei. No que diz respeito às operações de opções em geral em outros usos, acho que praticamente quebrei mesmo que eu tivesse vagas. Não posso dizer que usando técnicas fundamentais ou de confiança que eu possa confiar no estoque para fazer o que eu esperava no curto prazo. Eles fizeram um pouco no gerenciamento de dinheiro se eu lembro corretamente nos vídeos, mas não acho que fosse em profundidade, como Van Tharp e outros. Realmente houve muito material apresentado e, mesmo depois de várias visualizações, capturem nuances, perdi as outras vezes ou esqueci. Responda a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa AUTOR: Niranchan - (Canadá) ENVIADO: domingo, 07 de junho de 2009 PUBLICADO: domingo, 07 de junho de 2009 Olá pessoal, o Optionetics é um sistema educacional agradável, mas isso não é para todos. Você não pode ganhar dinheiro apenas fazendo o curso. Você deve ter pelo menos 3 anos de experiência em opções de negociação. O que o curso realmente faz é FINE TUNE suas estratégias de negociação. Eu diria que isso é como uma educação pós-secundária, para entender e aplicar, você já deve ter uma educação secundária (que é a experiência de 3-4 anos). Isso não é para cada um. E este não é um curso de nível básico. 1). Se você tem uma sólida experiência anterior em ações de opções de negociação 2) Algumas coisas como suas estratégias NÃO funcionam bem e você não entende por que 3) você sabe como identificar a tendência das ações em particular (A DEVE), então o curso é para voce. Caso contrário, não desperdice seu dinheiro. Aprenda na net e abra uma conta de teste com thinkorswim ou com qualquer corretora que ofereça uma conta de comércio de papel. Tente aprender tanto quanto gratuitamente sobre TRADING STOCKS em primeiro lugar. Aprenda lentamente sobre as opções. O livro escrito por George Fontanill (opção de comércio on-line) tem muitas informações sobre opções que são mais do que suficientes para você. Você não precisa seguir seu curso caro. Responda a este relatório Você é um proprietário, funcionário ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa. AUTOR: Anarquista - (EUA) APRESENTADO: segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008 PUBLICADO: segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008 Primeiro, deixe-me dizer que minha irmã juntou-se à Optionetics em 200405. Ela não conseguiu entender um monte de material nos DVDs, então ela me fez assistir com ela. Eu tentei explicar isso a ela. Bem, ela pagou por mim para se juntar a ela. Então, fomos para cerca de 4 seminários. Compreendi bem os conceitos. Eles fazem um bom trabalho explicando as coisas e estou grato por agora ter esse conhecimento. Agora, pelas coisas que não gosto da empresa. Você paga pelo curso (para nós foi mais de 5000), mas não espere que seja o seu único custo. Então eles pressionaram que você realmente deveria se juntar ao site do OptionsXpress. Um instrutor disse que nem pensaria em opções de negociação sem ele. Então, nós marcamos outros 700 para o site. Então, em outro seminário, eles foram completamente superados neste novo software ProfitSource que normalmente custa 3000, mas se você atua hoje, pode ser seu apenas para 1999. O instrutor ficou todo vertiginoso sobre o quão difícil era encontrar bons negócios e esse Faz todo o trabalho para você. Eles nos mostraram no projetor como usá-lo. Parecia extremamente simples e fácil de usar. Bem, não tivemos muito dinheiro no momento, então tivemos que transmitir isso. Nossa experiência comercial: tivemos 1700 no momento para fazer algumas negociações. Escolhemos o melhor que pudemos encontrar por conta própria e olhamos particularmente perto das melhores escolhas na newsletter do email do OptionsXpress. Nós só compramos se ambos pensássemos que o comércio era bom. Bem, troco depois do comércio, estávamos ficando um pouco fartos. O mundo real é muito diferente da sala de aula. Heres duas coisas que eu venho a concluir a partir de tentativa e erro: 1. boas negociações não são preenchidas se você oferecer um valor inferior ao valor de mercado, como sempre eles dizem para você fazer. 2. Você deve comprar em volume. Se a operação Buysell custar 35, então, investir apenas 100-200 nunca lhe dará dinheiro. Então, você realmente precisa ter uma quantidade decente de dinheiro para investir e ainda não tem todos os seus ovos em uma cesta. Depois de cerca de 25 negócios, desisti. Bem mais de metade das minhas opções eram perdedores. Eu não culpo o Optionetics por isso. No entanto, nunca pude descobrir quando vender. Muitas das negociações começaram a ir para o sul logo após comprá-las. Eu vendo no dia seguinte e perdi uma pequena perda e perdi a taxa de transação alta. Aguardo e espero que volte. De qualquer forma, a única coisa que manteve a minha experiência comercial como um desastre total foi um comércio que me causou 500. No final, com todas as perdas, lucros e taxas, para fora de 1700 acabam sendo cerca de 800. Fator em cerca de 6000 para Optionetics, eu teria que dizer que não funcionou para mim. Eu realmente gostaria de ter tentado o software ProfitSource. Talvez tenha ajudado. Ah, e depois do primeiro ano, você deve começar a pagar uma taxa de inscrição para continuar usando o software. Teria sido bom se eles deram um julgamento 30 ou algo assim. Se não estou enganado, acho que você tem 30 dias para recuperar seu dinheiro, mas isso significa que você tem que comprá-lo primeiro e depois de pagar pelo Optionetics, não tivemos o suficiente para comprá-lo. Mas enquanto você está na sala de aula, eles realmente começam a superar e sentir que você não pode dar errado ou cometer um erro. Ou se algo der errado, suas perdas serão reduzidas a quase nada. Eu não achei que fosse esse o caso. Eu acredito que você pode ganhar dinheiro com isso. Mas você também precisa de dinheiro para todas as classes, software e assinaturas. E não se esqueça de ter algum dinheiro para investir. Nós não nos inscreveríamos por nada disso se soubéssemos tudo o que sabemos agora. Não sou amargo com nada disso. Ele acabou custando muito mais do que o que minha irmã se inscreveu originalmente. E cada seminário ensinou-lhe novas informações ou idéias comerciais, mas isso foi apenas para você chegar ao que sempre foi outro campo de vendas para algum outro seminário ou produto que custa alguns grandes. Responda a este relatório Você é um proprietário, funcionário ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa. 10 Comentário do Consumidor AUTOR: Juan - (EUA) ENVIADO: segunda-feira, novembro 03 de maio de 2008 PUBLICADO: segunda-feira, 03 de novembro de 2008 Em 2002 e 2003 participei do curso básico e avançado oferecido pela Optionetics. Não há dúvida de que a informação oferecida é legítima. É mostrado de forma fácil de entender e, uma vez que você sai dos cursos, você tem o básico para negociar opções. Então, nesse sentido, não é um roubo. Você pagou por educação, e você conseguiu. A pergunta para mim é, você poderia negociar com sucesso como você saiu dos cursos provavelmente não. Você exige muita persistência para permanecer no jogo o suficiente para obter ganhos consistentes. Aprender sobre uma determinada estratégia, dizer uma propagação de touro, não é suficiente para torná-lo um comerciante de sucesso, você deve aprender quando essa estratégia é adequada ou potencialmente lucrativa. Aprender como entrar em contato com seu corretor e fazer um pedido não garante o sucesso. Eu acho problemático que a Optionetics não ofereça um registro de sucesso em suas publicações ou mesmo nas negociações que eles sugerem em seus seminários. Na verdade, se você chamá-los para saber o que fazer com as negociações que eles recomendam, eles rapidamente o descartam dizendo que não oferecem conselhos comerciais, o que é confuso e irônico. Eu me culpo a mim mesmo e a quem fez sua oferta por não perguntar: qual é a taxa de sucesso de seus negócios e eles têm uma verificação de terceiros para apoiar suas reivindicações. Como eles não têm isso, eles simplesmente estão ensinando o que já foi publicado sobre as opções desde a sua criação na década de 1070. Na verdade, há muito mais para saber sobre opções do que o Optionetics oferece. Você não sai dos cursos preparados para fazer fortuna. O bom é que, após os cursos da Optionetics, fui motivado a fazê-lo como comerciante e fiz. Eu uso o site Platinum até hoje, acho que é o melhor lá fora, embora a plataforma Think ou Swim ofereça gratuitamente muitos dos recursos Platinum. Encontrei meu caminho e consegui criar minha própria abordagem comercial altamente e consistentemente rentável, que compartilho de graça no meu próprio blog. O Optionetics foi de alguma forma uma ajuda, de certa forma um obstáculo. No final, acho que foi tudo inteiramente para mim. Aqueles que vão aos cursos Optionetics pensando que receberão a receita para o sucesso estarão muito decepcionados. Se eu tivesse a escolha, eu faria isso de novo provavelmente sim, já que fiz muitas vezes com o preço que paguei pelo curso. No entanto, eu também paguei milhares para o programa McMillan Mentoring e DVDs que excedem em muito a qualidade e a integridade do material oferecido pela Optionetics. Tudo faz parte da minha educação. Qualquer um aqui seria bem servido por não esperar muito dos cursos Optionetics, e ler tantos livros quanto possível, antes de gastar milhares de dólares em materiais e seminários, não apenas da Optionetics, mas de qualquer um. Juan Sarmiento stockoftheday. blogspot Responda a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa. 11 Consumer Comment AUTOR: Clive Hunt - (Austrália ) APRESENTADO: quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008 POSTADO: quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2008 Eu pensei que eu acrescentasse minha experiência de Optionetics. Eu fiz a maioria dos seus cursos e passei sobre o AUS20,000 fazendo o curso inicial, ICT, curso avançado, fui ao OASIS em 2005 (eu acho) e comprei todo o software deles. Eu também juntei-se a grupos comerciais na minha cidade também, então eu conheço alguns estudantes da Optionetic experiência de negociação. Eu não conheci um aluno que fez dinheiro de negociação, do curso, com uma boa e consistente taxa anual de retorno. Embora eu aprecie, talvez, alguns estudantes que ganhem dinheiro com a negociação para se viver, eles seriam muito raros, como o que você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode Fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa 12 Consumer Comment AUTOR: Mel - (EUA) ENVIADO: quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2008 POSTADO: quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2008 Concordo com Simon. Os números não se somam. É uma questão fácil duplicar em um investimento 100, mas uma tarefa muito mais importante para duplicar um investimento de 1.000.000. Você simplesmente não pode manter uma taxa de retorno de 200. Eu tenho uma teoria ou um axioma, se você quiser, isso vai assim. Se você acha que algo não está quieto, basta extrapolar o absurdo e ver se ainda faz sentido. Simon fez os cálculos completos para você com 250 e obtivemos 93 bilhões são 15 anos. O que aconteceria se você continuasse por mais 15 anos, quanto você teria, bem pensa sobre isso, isso é apenas 30 anos de investimento, tanto no mercado bom quanto no mercado ruim como eles disseram. A resposta é mais dinheiro do que existe em todo o mundo e probaly alguns outros mundos também. É (a taxa de retorno de 200) 1.334. Isso é 1 milhão 340 mil milhões de dólares. Este número prova o poder de composição, não que você obtenha uma taxa de retorno de 200. Claro que a taxa de retorno de 250 é ainda maior, 13,470,000,000,000,000,000 ou dez vezes mais. Olhe assim se você tiver que gastar tanto dinheiro em seu tempo de vida e você viveu para ser 100 depois que você ganhou este assunto, então você teria que gastar 36,547 bilhões diários, sem férias, e isso é com o número menor. Boa sorte, com o maior número seria de 369,041 bilhões por dia. Você certamente seria melhor do que Warren Buffett. Gente, isso é bom demais para ser verdade. Além disso, se fosse tão fácil fazer isso, por que não há mais warren buffetts agora mesmo. Investir é um trabalho árduo, eu sei, e encurralar a capital no mundo não é factível. Responda a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo ou pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa 13 Comentário do Consumidor AUTOR: Michael - (EUA) ENVIADO: domingo, agosto 05 de maio de 2007 POSTADO: domingo, 05 de agosto de 2007 Para todos os interessados ​​nesta publicação, talvez seja um pouco atrasado (ou muito, em vez disso) na apresentação deste diálogo, (como vejo que isso aconteceu há bastante tempo) , Mas eu me senti compelido a fazê-lo porque senti que tinha algo importante para contribuir. Tenha em mente que eu sou alguém que NUNCA publica minha opinião em sites como esses. Eu silenciosamente leio e uso a informação apresentada para me educar sobre o que quer que eu esteja pesquisando. Eu decidi fazer minha primeira aparição aqui. Eu sou um negociante de blackjack em Las Vegas, e conheço dezenas de milhares de pessoas diferentes todos os anos a partir de todas as possíveis caminhadas de vida que você pode imaginar, e você provavelmente não pode. Uma das perguntas padrão que eu peço para que a conversa aconteça em um jogo é: o que você faz para a vida hoje à noite no trabalho, eu lidei com dois jovens que eram amigos. Um era um estudante, e o outro tinha completado os 21 anos e estava comemorando seu aniversário em Las Vegas. O jovem de 21 anos disse trocar o Optionetics. Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar especificamente sobre o Optionetics, mas estou ciente de programas como o suficiente para ser pelo menos ALGUÉM familiar com o que se trata. Como eu pareço estar levando um pouco, deixe-me cortar a perseguição. Perguntei-lhe se ele estava ganhando dinheiro. Sua resposta foi que depois de frequentar o (s) curso (s) de instrução, ele trocou em papel por um tempo. Então ele começou com uma conta real e 10 mil que ele emprestou de seu pai. Ele disse que ele está negociando por dois meses e, até agora, ele pagou seu pai o empréstimo de 10k e tem mais 10k para trabalhar. Eu não sou nenhum guru financeiro ou qualquer coisa, mas 100 em dois meses me parece muito bom. Sou um único chefe de família para uma família de mim, uma esposa, 3 filhos e 3 cães. Eu tenho uma hipoteca, um pagamento de carro e todas as outras contas normais que a maioria das pessoas tem. Eu faço entre 32k e 35k por ano como um negociante de blackjack, (antes de impostos), e eu sempre estou atento a algo melhor ou suplementar. Quando este menino falou sobre Optionetics, eu escutei. Cheguei em casa e procurei no Google. Minha primeira parada (mesmo antes de seu próprio site) foi aqui. Depois de tudo o que foi dito, minha mente lógica me diz que a Optionetics não é um problema ruim, e vou considerar analisar isso ainda mais. Eu não sou um empregado, um cliente ou qualquer outra coisa afiliada à Optionetics. Eu sou apenas um espectador dando meus 2 centavos de valor. Responda a este relatório Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-funcionário com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa. 14 Comentário do Consumidor AUTOR: Therightway - (EUA) ENVIADO: quarta-feira, julho 25, 2007 PUBLICADO: quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2007 Eu percebi que você escreveu isso em fevereiro, mas talvez você obtenha isso de qualquer maneira. Talvez possamos juntar-se e obter o seu produto VENDIDO. Seria possível controlá-lo através de uma interface web onde as pessoas teriam que fazer logon para usá-lo. Hoje em dia, se você não puder protegê-lo, você não pode continuar lucrando com isso por muito tempo antes que alguém arruhe seu código e venda sua própria versão . Dou-lhe a minha palavra de que não trabalho para o Optionetics e não estou em parceria com eles de qualquer forma. No entanto, tenho a intenção de gastar dinheiro com eles. Eu realmente poderia me relacionar com o que você estava dizendo. Eu trabalhei na indústria de TI há anos e sempre enfrento isso ao tentar implementar soluções inovadoras. As empresas tendem a adotar o risco de não se quebrar, não consertar a atitude. Eu costumo tomar o se você não consertar, seu concorrente terá atitude. Conheço pessoas que estão fazendo dinheiro real com a Optionetics, mas acho que você precisa ser inteligente antes de gastar capital, seja na formação ou no mercado. Optionetics parece ter um sistema que realmente funciona. Dito isto, os DVDs e livros da Optionetics se enquadram em um (1) treinamento de categoria. As ferramentas, por outro lado, compõem outra. As publicações comerciais, os softwares (thiers e os seus parceiros), o acesso ao site e uma infinidade de outras coisas valiosas compõem a categoria Ferramentas. Pessoalmente, penso que, se a Optionetics fosse fornecer treinamento GRATUITO e se concentrar em fornecer acesso às MELHOR FERRAMENTAS, as pessoas seriam mais bem sucedidas e PUDERÃO MAIS COMO PROGRESSAMOS. Essa abordagem, ao contrário de pagar tanto, apenas para começar, parece-me de bom senso. O boca a boca vende o produto dessa forma cria muito menos indesejados imprensa para o que alguns compreensivelmente vêem como promessas vazias. Existe uma curva de aprendizado severa e eles não precisam fazer nenhuma recomendação para isso. Eles têm um sistema fantasico. Deixe apenas ser honesto com as pessoas sobre o que é preciso para ser um comerciante bem sucedido e fornecer-lhes tudo o que eles realmente precisam para começar. Sr. Software - Eu concordo com você e eu adoraria fazer parceria com você. Eu tenho uma idéia inovadora para um site que eu acho que pode estar de mãos dadas com seu produto. Eu possuo o domínio e estou pronto para discutir o seu desenvolvimento futuro. Uma das primeiras coisas que notei sobre o Optionetics é que o gráfico de risco dos técnicos está baseado em não lhe contar tudo e, sem isso, você não pode REALMENTE obter uma imagem precisa de relance. Eu acho que é aí que você está indo, é correto. Responda a este relatório. Você é proprietário, empregado ou ex-empregado com informações negativas ou positivas sobre a empresa ou o indivíduo, ou você pode fornecer informações privilegiadas sobre esta empresa? 15 Comentário do consumidor AUTOR: Therightway - (EUA) APRESENTADO: quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2007 POSTADO: quarta-feira, 25 de julho de 2007 Eu percebi que você escreveu isso em fevereiro, mas talvez você obtenha isso de qualquer maneira. Talvez possamos juntar-se e obter o seu produto VENDIDO. Seria possível controlá-lo através de uma interface web onde as pessoas teriam que fazer logon para usá-lo. Hoje em dia, se você não puder protegê-lo, você não pode continuar lucrando com isso por muito tempo antes que alguém arruhe seu código e venda sua própria versão . Dou-lhe a minha palavra de que não trabalho para o Optionetics e não estou em parceria com eles de qualquer forma. No entanto, tenho a intenção de gastar dinheiro com eles. Eu realmente poderia me relacionar com o que você estava dizendo. Eu trabalhei na indústria de TI há anos e sempre enfrento isso ao tentar implementar soluções inovadoras. As empresas tendem a adotar o risco de não se quebrar, não consertar a atitude. I tend to take the if you dont fix it, your competitor will attitude. I know folks who are making real money with Optionetics but I think you have to be smart before spending capital whether on training or in the market. Optionetics does appear to have a system that really works. That said, the Optionetics DVDs and books fall into one (1) category Training. Tools on the other hand, make up another. Trading publications, software (thiers and those of thier partners), website access, and a myriad of other valuable things make up the Tools category. Personally, I think if Optionetics were to provide training for FREE and focus on providing access to the VERY BEST TOOLS, people would be more successfull and would be able to PAY MORE AS THEY PROGRESSED. That approach as opposed to paying so much just to get started seems like common sense to me. Word of mouth sells the product this way creates much less undesired press for what some understandably view as empty promises. There is a severe learning curve and they need to make no appologies for that They have a fantasic system. Lets just be honest with folks about what it takes to be a successfull trader and provide them everything they really need to get started. Mr. Software - I agree with you and I would love to partner with you I have an innovative idea for a website that I think might fit hand-in-hand with your product. I own the domain and am ready to discuss its future development. One of the first things I noticed about Optionetics is that the risk graph the techings are based on isnt telling you everything and without that, you cant REALLY get an accurate picture at a glance. I think that is where you are headed, is that correct Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 16 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Therightway - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 POSTED: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 I realize you wrote this in February but maybe you will get this anyway. Perhaps we could team up and get your product SOLD. Would it be possible to control it via a web interface where people would have to log-in to use it These days, if you cant protect it, you cant keep profiting from it for long before someone rips off your code and sells their own version. I give you my word that I do not work for Optionetics and am not partnered with them in any way. I do however, intend on spending money with them. I could really relate to what you were saying. I have worked in the IT industry for years and constantly come up against it when trying to implement innovative solutions. Companies tend to take the if it aint broke, dont fix it attitude. I tend to take the if you dont fix it, your competitor will attitude. I know folks who are making real money with Optionetics but I think you have to be smart before spending capital whether on training or in the market. Optionetics does appear to have a system that really works. That said, the Optionetics DVDs and books fall into one (1) category Training. Tools on the other hand, make up another. Trading publications, software (thiers and those of thier partners), website access, and a myriad of other valuable things make up the Tools category. Personally, I think if Optionetics were to provide training for FREE and focus on providing access to the VERY BEST TOOLS, people would be more successfull and would be able to PAY MORE AS THEY PROGRESSED. That approach as opposed to paying so much just to get started seems like common sense to me. Word of mouth sells the product this way creates much less undesired press for what some understandably view as empty promises. There is a severe learning curve and they need to make no appologies for that They have a fantasic system. Lets just be honest with folks about what it takes to be a successfull trader and provide them everything they really need to get started. Mr. Software - I agree with you and I would love to partner with you I have an innovative idea for a website that I think might fit hand-in-hand with your product. I own the domain and am ready to discuss its future development. One of the first things I noticed about Optionetics is that the risk graph the techings are based on isnt telling you everything and without that, you cant REALLY get an accurate picture at a glance. I think that is where you are headed, is that correct Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 17 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Therightway - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 POSTED: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 I realize you wrote this in February but maybe you will get this anyway. Perhaps we could team up and get your product SOLD. Would it be possible to control it via a web interface where people would have to log-in to use it These days, if you cant protect it, you cant keep profiting from it for long before someone rips off your code and sells their own version. I give you my word that I do not work for Optionetics and am not partnered with them in any way. I do however, intend on spending money with them. I could really relate to what you were saying. I have worked in the IT industry for years and constantly come up against it when trying to implement innovative solutions. Companies tend to take the if it aint broke, dont fix it attitude. I tend to take the if you dont fix it, your competitor will attitude. I know folks who are making real money with Optionetics but I think you have to be smart before spending capital whether on training or in the market. Optionetics does appear to have a system that really works. That said, the Optionetics DVDs and books fall into one (1) category Training. Tools on the other hand, make up another. Trading publications, software (thiers and those of thier partners), website access, and a myriad of other valuable things make up the Tools category. Personally, I think if Optionetics were to provide training for FREE and focus on providing access to the VERY BEST TOOLS, people would be more successfull and would be able to PAY MORE AS THEY PROGRESSED. That approach as opposed to paying so much just to get started seems like common sense to me. Word of mouth sells the product this way creates much less undesired press for what some understandably view as empty promises. There is a severe learning curve and they need to make no appologies for that They have a fantasic system. Lets just be honest with folks about what it takes to be a successfull trader and provide them everything they really need to get started. Mr. Software - I agree with you and I would love to partner with you I have an innovative idea for a website that I think might fit hand-in-hand with your product. I own the domain and am ready to discuss its future development. One of the first things I noticed about Optionetics is that the risk graph the techings are based on isnt telling you everything and without that, you cant REALLY get an accurate picture at a glance. I think that is where you are headed, is that correct Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 18 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Ripoffmagician - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 POSTED: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 I personally would like to see one of those disguntled traders put a copy up on bittorrent (here is the wiki on what this wildly popular sharing system is all about (((ROR REDACTED LINK FOR SECURITY PURPOSES))). If someone posted the learning software on DVD (also sold on eBay) that would be fantastic Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 19 Consumer Suggestion AUTHOR: Ed - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Sunday, March 25, 2007 POSTED: Sunday, March 25, 2007 hI: I have 3 d egrees in finance and still have not made any money in options( I have never purchased an options contract). I trade stocks. So I went to an Optionnetics seminar and was amazed to see people paying 3000, for what they could get for free in the library and on the internet. 1) George Fomtanels has written a good book on options theory that contains the same information that they present in the seminar. I read the book for free fron the ny public library. 2)yahoo finance has a free online course from optionnerics. 3) The CBOE options exchange has a free options course online.(free)and software tools. 4) fidelity has a good active trader order system and online course (free) and software. 5) CBOE and fidelity both have FREE PRACTICE OPTIONS ACCOUNTS.(you do not use real money) 6) Many other websites and brokers have free online courses and free practice accounts. All the information in the optionnetics course is in the library or online. It all takes time to learn trading and HEDGING strategies. DO NOT USE REAL MONEY WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING TO TRADE OPTIONS OR STOCKS. USE PRACTICE ACCOUNTS. LEARN FIRST THEN TRADE FOR REAL. 6) I have 3 degrees in finance and all my teachers said the same about options. stay away from options just buy stocks. I wish I could get refunds for my 60,000 in student loans for my incomplete finance education. Colleges do not teach trading or technical analysis, they teach fundamental analysis. (I write my own investment computer programs using financial and statistical theory, which is now called financial engineering or quantative finance or financial economics by my clients.) I would never risk any money on a new strategy or program without first experimenting and testing the theory: NOTHING IS GURANTEED TO WORK AND USUALLY NEEDS TESTING AND REVISING. So learn for FREE AND PRACTICE TRADING FOR FREE BEFORE YOU RISK YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 20 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Don - (Australia) SUBMITTED: Friday, March 02, 2007 POSTED: Friday, March 02, 2007 I am a student of optionetics. I attended the 2 hour intro session and then the 2 day course. I do not know George Fontanills, have never met him nor stood within the same country as him (I dont think he has been to Australia and I havent been to the USA). I dont personally know anyone employed by optionetics. AND who cares I dont care what George Fontanills does in his private life, if he has or hasent been taken to court, has many cars blah, blah, blah - what I can say is that optionetics works for those that apply the one thing that optionetics or any of their software cant sell you and that is basic common sense It works as I have done it and still doing it. The problem is that anyone can pay X to attend the course but do they understand it. Optionetics offer that much help after the course its amazing - ask a question - get an answer. Are their seminar presenters professional speakers well. I have seen themheard them and take it from me they dont actually speak that well. They stumble with their words and mispronounce alot but what comes out of their mouths is gold. George could go and do something wrong or bad right now in relation to anything in this world. How would that impact on the students that are making money following the optionetics rules - it wont and never will. The optionetics system works regardless of anything George has done (obviously excluding the creation of optionetics itself) or indeed may do. I dont have to know anything about, be infulenced by or care at all about Isaac Newton to feel the impact of gravity So where are the credibility issues here - with George (maybe, maybe not, as I said I dont know him or much about him at all) or optionetics I can tell you it is not with optionetics and very much doubt it is with George either. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 21 Consumer Suggestion AUTHOR: Frank - (Australia) SUBMITTED: Thursday, February 01, 2007 POSTED: Thursday, February 01, 2007 Optionetics is clearly selling the dream of successful trading. I am not a student because my knowledge of and interest in options is beyond the level Optionetics can provide. However I studied the services of Optionetics, and I found that as far as the level of education is concerned they are doing an exceptionally good job in a very difficult field. In spite of that, the success rate of their students is greatly limited by a technological factor most people are unaware of. Optionetics ought to be aware of this factor, and should have addressed it long ago. I am an option trader who lost a lot of money in spite of having read every book there was before I started trading. I identified that my risk management was non-existent. As a frustrated mathematician I wrote a program that might turn out to be the new standard for financial strategy modelling. To create this piece of software I had to dig really deep, and I discovered that for risk management nothing substitutes the good old Monte Carlo simulation. The problem is that you need to have a full blown simulation (including margin forecast) for each day, for each possible price of the underlying instrument, and for each possible IMPLIED VOLATILITY scenario throughout the life of your strategy. If you have short positions of American style options, you have to consider early exercise as well. This is not only laborius to calculate, but the calculations yield millions of numbers that one should fully understand and interpret before trading. Without going through this number crunching, and most of all without comprehending the results, you have no understanding of your risk. Trading without full risk awareness is gambling. This element of gambling branded options risky, and this is why students - especially the ones who want to use Optionetics strategies as a cook-book recipe - get frustrated. Option traders and educators alike have been suffering the insufficency of the technology available. I believe that all Optionetics is missing, is the provision of some sort of protection that would prevent students from losing money after they completed a course. Trading at present is a probability game. A risk management system that is not based on probabilities could be a rock solid insurance against the unexpected. Optionetics, the company that claims to be the leader in options education should have identified this technological vacuum, and should have spent some RD Dollars on developing a solution. I would have paid any amount for such a solution instead of spending 6 years full time on developing one. (Yes it became an obsession, I know.) I contacted Tony Clemendor at Optionetics 3 times in 2005 trying to introduce him the program that could save millions to traders and eliminate most complaints against Optionetics. He did not even look at my e-mails. For the fourth time I managed to get an answer in which he rejected my software without looking at it, and without visiting my web site. To date he does not know what his company and his students are missing out on. A lot of Optionetics marketing money could be saved (and perhaps spent on RD) if issues adversely affecting the satisfaction rate of students would be addressed. A little change of attitude could make a lot of difference. Just because a business model seems to work, it does not mean that it cannot be improved. In this case it is a social responsibility issue as well. Thanks for reading Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 22 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: G - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 POSTED: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 1) I amwas a student paid 3000 for the basic seminar and 3000 for an ict seminar 2) Never made money in Options 30 good trades 70 bad trades 3) Optionetics is as good and as bad as you make it, in my case it was good because I lost much more than 6000 in the market, worst case scenario you get a good education 4) they are misleading only because they have such an optimistic view on how rich you can get. Can you make money do well and trade with your laptop from an isolated nice beach, sure you can. It is easy as they make it sound. No way Most people at the seminars will be disappointed of how the real world on option is. 5) No need to blame or to ask George about his personal life it is his biz. If you want an education he is one of the best teacher around if not the best, and yes he makes money with seminars thats what he does, but why are you surprised If you can make money in options would you really have the time to teach it. No. The only exception is when you would be working in a financial firm and you get some slavehelper and as he does everything you tell him yet he has a great chance to learn ok Unfortunately that is a very lucky and rare situation. If you go to Optionetics you will most likely find teachers and some teacherstraders but all of them are in the first place people with excellent communicating skills, they are teachers and they teach at seminars. 5) If George suggested a trade in his newsletters and it didnt go well do not blame him he does not know the future he is only trying to help, thats all he does. If you really knew the future would you write a newsletter for the rest of the world or would you go ahead and make money 6) Optionetics called me at the end of Jan 07 with an amazing program for 8000 you can speak 50 min each week with an expert about options he will teach you everything inside out about options and how to use the software, also as you are about to place your trade you can call the experts on a special hotline so that they can guide you. All for 15 months Very exciting isnt it. Well when I asked to see the credentials of the experts they were not available for whatever reason. At that point I did not enroll in this amazing prgram. Does it mean optionetics is bad. Not at all, their first job is to teach, so be f realistic about it and look at them as mentorsteachers if you can do better yourself stop blaming others and just do it yourself I would reccomend Optionetics to anyone who wants to learn however be ready to invest a great deal of time and money and take the very optimistic 2 day seminar with a grain of salt. Yes they are out to sell you seminars and tools it is what they do, again, the company is great in providing an education however do not ask for their record because they wont give it to you. Thats how it is and how it should be. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 23 REBUTTAL Individual responds AUTHOR: George - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 07, 2007 POSTED: Sunday, January 07, 2007 To Everyone Interested. Here are the TRUE Facts : Fact 1. FIMAT and I have resolved our differences Fact 2. I was the Principal of the American Stock Exchange company that located and reported the fraud against the individual who was the issue. He was jailed and I decided to discontinue the floor operations. Once again, another misstatement. Fact 3. The problems with websites such as this is that anyone can say anything they want whether it is true or not without repercussions since they are anonymous. I am a big fan of Free Speech, however, if someone has something to say make them accountable. Anonymous postings have no accountability. So show me who you are and then we can dance. Post your real name and contact information. Dont hide if you are correct. Fact 4. Optionetics has taught tens of thousands of traders worldwide. You cant make everyone happy no matter how hard you try. Fact 5. If you have any questions regarding these postings, I may be reached through Optionetics. I hope people reading this will see my point. I can say I was the first man to walk on the moon and post it. Does it mean it is accurate. Of course not This is a waste of time when dealing with anonymous individuals. Make yourself known and then we can discuss face to face who is correct. I would be happy to debate any of these claims with a real person and not a ghost. That is how a debate is done. No hiding on my part. I just spend my time on more productive matters. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 24 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Jonathan - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Thursday, October 19, 2006 POSTED: Thursday, October 19, 2006 I can tell you right now that I bought into Optionetics, and am on the threshold of wishing I hadnt. Dont get me wrong. I was not afraid to do this, despite it being such a risk technically. I had been interested in this stuff for a while and almost bought into Trade Secrets (which is now out of business). It really is an enlightening course on a lot of things. However, they wait until the afternoon (after the first money-back guarantee has expired) to explain that you need to spend thousands of dollars MORE in order to really benefit from it. (Yes, the computer program that can apparently help you better, and that they talk about at the free seminar, costs an ADDITIONAL 3000) Again, dont get we wrong, I would be willing to buy into this stuff if I had enough money to do so and if I actually made enough capital from my initial options trading. I currently have 5 spreads going, and NONE of them are doing anything. Before you wonder if I bought the wrong ones, these were recommendations from instructors at the initial seminars, and at least one of them was from GEORGES personal newsletter. ONE OF HIS OWN RECOMMENDATIONS When I went to a re-take of the course, I gave them the suggestion from George and it wasnt even evaluated. They claimed it was one of those that wasnt doing anything. How nice Also, day two has been proven to be virtually useless to newbies, because all they discuss is stuff that costs more to buy. I got laid off soon after I took the course, and that 3500 initial investment would be better served in my bank acount where it came from. I just know that, whether I ever get the 3500 back or not under any circumstances, that I am NEVER going to do ANYTHING like this AGAIN BTW This seems a bit choppy, and I am willing to elaborate a little more if necessary. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 25 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: J - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 POSTED: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 Is there anyone who has cross reference facial photos I can cut and paste of Fontanelli and others in this company, which appears to have a clone called Better Trades. Also need all direct links you have to other forums which me and others can post on. Not enough of the general public knows about Ripoff Report. Ripoff Report upsets many scam outfits, as apparently they are sending the post a positive rebuttal via shills or brown-nosers. Also using the familiar consumer doesnt know what they are talking about approach. Thanks, J. Beskin Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 26 UPDATE EX-employee responds AUTHOR: John - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Thursday, March 09, 2006 POSTED: Thursday, March 09, 2006 Find some of these comments humorous on both sides - Michael of Chitown and dk from Optionetics. Its true and common sense that a genuine professsional trader would NOT have the time to teach a course on a regular basis and all over the world but I did hear George Soros and Julian Robertson are considering it (its a lame attempt at a sarcastic joke so chill, down boy). However that does not mean that educational content during the various seminars offered by Optionetics is entirely a rip-off. Some can argue that a Yale education at 50k per year is a rip-off as well especially since one of its admitted students is an ex-Taliban spokesman who encouraged 911. Sorry I digress. My point is there is some educational merit in Fontanills classes. But is it worth the money. Are unethical if not borderline illegal tactics used in getting and keeping students Are any of the claims substantiated IMHO, answers are no, yes, and are you kidding me I am certain a state attorney general (Spitzer, Lockyer or Blumenthal) or even the SEC are investigating Optionetics right now. Optionetics will most likely respond by demanding what is unethical or illegal And thye should. Optionetics provided customer information (such as names, addresses, email and phone numbers) to another party that was unaffilated with them. I know that Optionetics provided the customer data for a fee and then solicited their customers by offering a related service. It lasted almost 2 years before i guess customer(s) complained louldly to dk to stop selling our info to 3rd parties Have hunderds of pages, in computer database to this day of thousands of Optionetics customers. He has denied this both verbally and in writing. This is an outright LIE. And definitely unethical with idenity theft a major issue. May be illegal in certain states too. The other borderline illegality is the fraudulent advertising Optionetics engages in. Also, the instructors and George himself are trading stocks and options in front of the public and encouraging them to without any licenses. Also take a look at their subscription letters - all without securities licenses. Definitely borderline illegal if not fraudulent. Also have you noticed at seminars, no one is allowed to record by tape or digital The last I checked, none of the seminars are in Beijing, Havana or Tehran where thats standard practice. In a free, capitalistic society - isnt that what george is ultimately teaching, to make money in the markets - ANYONE should be allowed to record a session for hisher own use. I know at real estatescam time share meetings they prohibit recording as well. Just more to chew on Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 27 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Max - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 POSTED: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 I read these posts and it appears obvious that these folks are not even customers. I am. I have been a student for several years and have met Mr. Fontanills personally on a number of occasions. He has traded live with the class and his teaching has positively influenced my trading profits. At the seminar I met many students happy with the process and at OASIS 2000 people from all over the world were very vocal with their thanks. The life time teachings for free once you have paid I have used over and over to learn new ideas and trade with the instructors. Ryan, people post and say negative things with many agendas. Some love to see the fires burn, maybe the ex-wife that George talked about once, perhaps a competitor trying to getting stronger by trash talking Optionetics. I dont know but that is the power of the internet - people saying whatever they want and sounding authoritive. I have enjoyed Optionetics and learned some amazing ideas that have translated into money. I find the company and its staff try hard to get it right with great customer service. Now Optionetics does involve some work on your part but they are always there to help out. The 20 odd strategies are like trading ideas that you have to learn to apply when the time is right. I am not an employee or connected with the company. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 28 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Ryan - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Saturday, January 14, 2006 POSTED: Saturday, January 14, 2006 Thanks to Simons information, my wife and I decided not to take course. Seems like theres too many gray areas about Optionetics creditibilty. If it was a such a great course and a company, why would someone go to great length to warn consumers about the company. We will just stick with Charles Schwab. Like my mother use to say, If it sounds too good to be true, its not true. All those poor people wholl be attending the Free Seminar could only see this page. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 29 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Michael - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Monday, January 31, 2005 POSTED: Monday, January 31, 2005 In response to Peter AKA Richard, I dont know what your reference to the ex-wife issue is all about. I have never attended an Optionetics seminar, although, I have attended the free work shop and would not waste my money. They feed you a lot of crap and dont even back it up. I do know individuals who have taken the initial course and they feel they were ripped off. You cant even compare his seminars to a getting a degree much less a PHD. I have some connections and know individuals who have heard and are aware of the law suit (as we all know that news these days travel much faster than before) and I did some research and that is how I found the information on the law suit. Another point in fact is that Mr. Fontanills claims that he made his money in real estate before starting these seminars (where are the real estate records, I couldnt find any prior to 93) Another empty claim. Also, instead of blabbing about things that I know nothing about and have nothing to do with his business ethics, stick to the point of my last entry. How can Mr. Fontanills give seminars on trading options and managing money when he cant even manage his own trading account. Its obvious that he makes the bulk of his money on these seminars just as all of the other companies that market this type of crap. Dont only look at my entries, there are many others that fit my description. You say that you are not an employee so what is the reference to the ex-wife issue Do you happen to know something personlly about Mr. Fontanills Obviously you do, as you just gave away that you know know something about his personal business. What do you know about FIMAT vs. FontanillsPro-vest Capital Its obvious you must be affiliated with the company. Maybe thats why you scope this site just as Russ Whitneys employees get paid to go on the internet and write favorable things about his company (which is another scam). Hes another one that claims so much and its all crap. For those of you who happen to read this entry, its too bad that companies like this get away with charging so much money for crap. Eliot Spitzer should start looking into these companies practices and investigate their claims (which I believe are all unsubstantiated). These companies make money selling dreams of financial independece when in fact its the fools who pay for individuals like Mr. Fontanills finacial freedom. You dont hear claims from Optionetics students or instructors that they just purchased a Lamborghini or Bently after taking their courses. I have yet to see those claims. How about you Peter Since you claim to have received a PHD from his seminars have you purchased your Lamborghini yet Keep me informed. Remember, dont just claim it, back it up with evidence, however, I wont hold my breath for any. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 30 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Peter - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Sunday, January 30, 2005 POSTED: Sunday, January 30, 2005 Mr. or Mrs. Chicago: Reading your response I fear you give the game away as you are far too anxious to dig up dirt on Mr. Fontanills. You really have no complaint but just want to try and drag his name into your negative world. This is your world but please leave me out of it. I posted as an Optionetics student disagreeing with the statements and offering another prospective. Your response was that I must be a scam myself. Then that I am an Optionetics employee. I am not connected with Optionetics, do not work for them and you try to attack me just because I say something positive. Thats sad. I am just a student, satisfied customer and advocate of Optionetics. Your behaving like an ex-wife with all this desire to raise unrelated matters. In fact your so called knowledge of facts makes me question whether you really are that person. the infamous ex-wife that cant move on with her life. I sat next to you in a Boston seminar and overheard your conversation. But thats your world not mine so I will leave that one alone. None of my business if you want to spend your life chasing ghosts. Anyway, I think Optionetics a great organization that has helped my trading. Mr. Fontanills, who I spent last week with in Las Vegas, is an amazing trader. Who cares he collects cars, has a lawsuit, sells a software company - all I care about is him teaching me how to trade. If you were an Optionetics student he talks openly about his role in the company and it is different to how you describe things. But again thats your world - an anxiety to make everyone a bad person, everything not to work and just a reflection of how bad your life must be. I can speak from personal perspective that the Optionetics crew care about students and their success. The variety of courses all advance your trading just like a degree course leads to a masters and then a PHD. I know the very scope of these Boards is to complain hence the title of them but I just cant ignore a great product be dragged down by anonymous posters. Yes, Yes I know I too must be everything you claim Mrs. Chicago. Obrigado pela leitura. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company 31 Consumer Comment AUTHOR: Michael - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 POSTED: Tuesday, January 25, 2005 In response to Richard AKA Peter from Los Angeles. I dont know what Richard is talking about when he states that the case was dismissed, but that is not the word on the street. George FontanillsPro-Vest CApital is being sued by the brokerage firm FIMAT USA (represented by law firm Proskaur Rose in NY) for 6 million dollars. Mr. Fontanills (the so called GURU of options) opened the account(with approx 6 million) in June, 2003 and when he did not meet margin calls Fimat filed a suit against him for 6 milliom in November of 2003. The case was orginally filed in the NY disctrict court (212) 374-4704 case 603757 2003 but Mr. Fontanills and his lawyers those in Miami and Michael Smith of NY moved the case to the NY Federal court case O3CV9796. Although, the case has moved to arbitration Mr. Fontanills is still in jeopardy of losing his 6 million from his account as well as any other claims FIMAT may win against him. As for his counter claim and that he might win a big settlement with FIMAT remains to be seen. The proof is in the pudding. If any of you are interested or need proof just contact the NY courts the case numbers are provided above its all public information. If the case was dismissed as Richard claims (I would like to see some evidence). Maybe Richard could provide it as he claims to know so much. Also, Optionetics is Fontanills company unlike Richard claims. The company was established by Mr. Fontanills in 1993, he later brought in Richard in 1996 as CEO. For those of you requiring evidence go to sunbiz. org and look up the company under Global Investment Research, Corp or under Richard Cawood and you will see through the Annual Reports that Mr. Fontanills was president until November 2003. It can only be assumed that he took his name off the company to prevent Fimat from going after company assets as Fimat filed the law suit on November 23, 2003. How convenient that he now doesnt own the company. I guess he gave it away. For those of you who may be feeling sorry for Mr. Fontanills, please dont. He recently sold a software company and has plenty of money. Word on the street is he presently looking to buy a 200K Bently to add to his collection of cars including a Dodge Viper and 300K Lamborghini. Just goes to show you the seminar business is very profitable especially when you sell dreams of making lots of money. By the way I wonder if all the Optionetic Instructorstraders drive expensive cars or is it just the officers and owners of the company Take my advise before purchasing any courses by Fontanills or otherwise, check out their trading portfolios (including their instructors as well, however, good luck ever getting them) to make sure they really trade as they say they do and to see how profitable they really are at trading. Also, if these instructors are as good as they claim why are they teaching(please dont use the excuse that out of the goodness of their hearts they like to share this information with those out there). It cant be for any other reason than making an income. As the old adage goes those that can, DO and those that Cant, TEACH. I personally know traders that make money trading and they cannot be bothered with teaching they make enough money trading that they dont have to. Keep in mind teaching people on the theories of trading is very different from actual trading. You also cant expect to learn options trading in 2 days thats why Optionetics has so many other classes they capitalize on a lifetime of learning. Also, the spread trades that they teach only cost more in commissions and limit your profits. Its better to keep the trades simple because you trade the option according to where you think the direction of the stock is headed. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company AUTHOR: Simon - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 POSTED: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 To those considering the Optionetics investment opportunity: This, and my earlier posts, are specifically written for you. Please consider the following: 1) Take a look at johntreedBSchecklist. html This is a common sense checklist to protect yourself against misleading marketing. In fact, youll find that Optionetics hits most of the points on the list. 2) Optionetics brushed off my questions on the rate of return of their instructors. Instead, they alluded to how good and successful they are, citing that they have been on TV and magazines. Why would they not answer my question After all, the return is the common yardstick to measure how effective an investor is (Imagine being sold a mutual fund that refuses to disclose its return in the past. Only telling you that the fund manager is very successful. Would you trust him) The answer to the above question is very simple. Telling you thru the testimonials that their customers have achieved 200 or 300 annual return is one thing. Saying that they themselves have achieved such returns is another. Once they admit to such claims, anyone who manages to get hold of their trading records can expose them. Still not convinced Lets examine the numbers critically. Since their customer testimonials all claim 200 returns, lets assume an average of 250 annual return for the Optionetics instructors: a) 250 is more than 10 times better than the career record of Warren Buffet (24), arguably the best investor in history. b) The instructors, since they are so successful, must have at least 10000 in their trading accounts. 10000 compounded at 250 per year over 10 years equals 95.36 million (a return of 953674). In 15 years, 9.3 billion. Taxes and commissions have been omitted for simplicity, but you get the point. So most of the instructors must be billionaires. I havent checked Forbes billionaires list, but I suspect theyre not there. Using a bit of common sense, one can see that 3 digit returns are unrealistic. YET, all the Optionetics testimonials claim such returns. If Optionetics is not lying, just tell us the numbers and prove me wrong. 3) If youre still not convinced after the above analysis, do yourself a favor and start with inexpensive materials first. Therere lots of good books and free information on the web. As a general rule, its always better to start with a small sum. Thats all I have to say. Obrigado pela leitura. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company AUTHOR: Richard - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 POSTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 Peter: Thanks for the supportive comments you made. I hope to meet you at OASIS in 2005. You obviously know us well and thanks for taking the time to answer Simon. It is students like you that we work for every day to provide a better service and raise our game. Bravo, Peter you nailed the comment about success and I am pleased to have people like you as part of the Optionetics family. Obrigado novamente. Richard Moving back to your comments, we do not know who you are or if you are even a customer. Let me address some of your observations: 1. Peters comments are accurate and I am happy to endorse them so there is no need to repeat them. 2. Sorry, we do not have employ anyone named Peter and it is a leap of error on your part just because someone says something supportivekind makes them an employee. In fact it is a sad image of the life that you make such a statement. Could not it just be that we did not answer you as we simply do not read these websites often. Actually, a customer upset at your post told me about your comments (and - no - not Peter). 3. My colleagues pedigrees as teachers, traders and as an authority in the subject of option trading are well known industry wide and this forum is not appropriate to justify them to you. Rather than repeat the obvious read the dust cover of any of our best selling books to read about their history. Or if you ever went to a seminar and asked them they would be happy to tell you their background, rates of return and successes. George and Tom have told their story enough on TV, radio and in books. Mike Wade is a great trader and speaks in his seminars of his background and successfailures. In fact all the instructors comment with humility about their failures aswell as their successes so you can learn from those too. 4. I should warn you that as my colleagues are very experienced traders you should not set your expectations on their level of success and hence why their track records could distort your view. Hence I believe that a students experience is a better indication of what you may achieve and so we use students as testimonials not George, Tom or any other instructors track record. I caveat these statements with your individual trading results will vary and you should consult your licensed trading advisor about your expectations and trades before option or stock trading. 5. No matter what I say in these Reports the anonymous voice shouts down or spins the truth about our company. Or falsely accuses me of doing the same. We have no idea if the posters are even customers (we have 40,000 customers across the globe). But we care enough to take the time to respond and explain why your statements are unjustified or incorrect. We invite you to call so we can offer solutions to you and that is great customer service. 6. So I will reiterate that you Simon, or any other student, does not need ANY tools to trade Optionetics successfully (although they make help), our guarantee is honored and clear in the contract that you sign (we do not move the goal posts after purchase), the 36 trades open and closed has been our policy for 12 years to allow us to test effort application and success, we give all product out in advance with a full money back immediate guarantee and our student testimonials are genuine and come frequently. 7. Please do not take my word for these things - arrange an appointment with me and fly down to our office and read the original testimonials yourself. 8. Again, Simon please contact me and I will be happy to go over your points in person. If you are a customer you will know how to get hold of me as my name is printed in your manuals or in DVD 1. All that matters here Simon, is that I am genuinely sorry that we let you down some how that you felt it necessary to post your message in the first place. We will try to make it up to you when you contact our office and we can look up your customer file for your specifics. Please ask for Sean Stoney who will arrange a convenient time for you and I to speak. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company AUTHOR: Richard - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 POSTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 Peter: Thanks for the supportive comments you made. I hope to meet you at OASIS in 2005. You obviously know us well and thanks for taking the time to answer Simon. It is students like you that we work for every day to provide a better service and raise our game. Bravo, Peter you nailed the comment about success and I am pleased to have people like you as part of the Optionetics family. Obrigado novamente. Richard Moving back to your comments, we do not know who you are or if you are even a customer. Let me address some of your observations: 1. Peters comments are accurate and I am happy to endorse them so there is no need to repeat them. 2. Sorry, we do not have employ anyone named Peter and it is a leap of error on your part just because someone says something supportivekind makes them an employee. In fact it is a sad image of the life that you make such a statement. Could not it just be that we did not answer you as we simply do not read these websites often. Actually, a customer upset at your post told me about your comments (and - no - not Peter). 3. My colleagues pedigrees as teachers, traders and as an authority in the subject of option trading are well known industry wide and this forum is not appropriate to justify them to you. Rather than repeat the obvious read the dust cover of any of our best selling books to read about their history. Or if you ever went to a seminar and asked them they would be happy to tell you their background, rates of return and successes. George and Tom have told their story enough on TV, radio and in books. Mike Wade is a great trader and speaks in his seminars of his background and successfailures. In fact all the instructors comment with humility about their failures aswell as their successes so you can learn from those too. 4. I should warn you that as my colleagues are very experienced traders you should not set your expectations on their level of success and hence why their track records could distort your view. Hence I believe that a students experience is a better indication of what you may achieve and so we use students as testimonials not George, Tom or any other instructors track record. I caveat these statements with your individual trading results will vary and you should consult your licensed trading advisor about your expectations and trades before option or stock trading. 5. No matter what I say in these Reports the anonymous voice shouts down or spins the truth about our company. Or falsely accuses me of doing the same. We have no idea if the posters are even customers (we have 40,000 customers across the globe). But we care enough to take the time to respond and explain why your statements are unjustified or incorrect. We invite you to call so we can offer solutions to you and that is great customer service. 6. So I will reiterate that you Simon, or any other student, does not need ANY tools to trade Optionetics successfully (although they make help), our guarantee is honored and clear in the contract that you sign (we do not move the goal posts after purchase), the 36 trades open and closed has been our policy for 12 years to allow us to test effort application and success, we give all product out in advance with a full money back immediate guarantee and our student testimonials are genuine and come frequently. 7. Please do not take my word for these things - arrange an appointment with me and fly down to our office and read the original testimonials yourself. 8. Again, Simon please contact me and I will be happy to go over your points in person. If you are a customer you will know how to get hold of me as my name is printed in your manuals or in DVD 1. All that matters here Simon, is that I am genuinely sorry that we let you down some how that you felt it necessary to post your message in the first place. We will try to make it up to you when you contact our office and we can look up your customer file for your specifics. Please ask for Sean Stoney who will arrange a convenient time for you and I to speak. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company AUTHOR: Richard - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 POSTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 Peter: Thanks for the supportive comments you made. I hope to meet you at OASIS in 2005. You obviously know us well and thanks for taking the time to answer Simon. It is students like you that we work for every day to provide a better service and raise our game. Bravo, Peter you nailed the comment about success and I am pleased to have people like you as part of the Optionetics family. Obrigado novamente. Richard Moving back to your comments, we do not know who you are or if you are even a customer. Let me address some of your observations: 1. Peters comments are accurate and I am happy to endorse them so there is no need to repeat them. 2. Sorry, we do not have employ anyone named Peter and it is a leap of error on your part just because someone says something supportivekind makes them an employee. In fact it is a sad image of the life that you make such a statement. Could not it just be that we did not answer you as we simply do not read these websites often. Actually, a customer upset at your post told me about your comments (and - no - not Peter). 3. My colleagues pedigrees as teachers, traders and as an authority in the subject of option trading are well known industry wide and this forum is not appropriate to justify them to you. Rather than repeat the obvious read the dust cover of any of our best selling books to read about their history. Or if you ever went to a seminar and asked them they would be happy to tell you their background, rates of return and successes. George and Tom have told their story enough on TV, radio and in books. Mike Wade is a great trader and speaks in his seminars of his background and successfailures. In fact all the instructors comment with humility about their failures aswell as their successes so you can learn from those too. 4. I should warn you that as my colleagues are very experienced traders you should not set your expectations on their level of success and hence why their track records could distort your view. Hence I believe that a students experience is a better indication of what you may achieve and so we use students as testimonials not George, Tom or any other instructors track record. I caveat these statements with your individual trading results will vary and you should consult your licensed trading advisor about your expectations and trades before option or stock trading. 5. No matter what I say in these Reports the anonymous voice shouts down or spins the truth about our company. Or falsely accuses me of doing the same. We have no idea if the posters are even customers (we have 40,000 customers across the globe). But we care enough to take the time to respond and explain why your statements are unjustified or incorrect. We invite you to call so we can offer solutions to you and that is great customer service. 6. So I will reiterate that you Simon, or any other student, does not need ANY tools to trade Optionetics successfully (although they make help), our guarantee is honored and clear in the contract that you sign (we do not move the goal posts after purchase), the 36 trades open and closed has been our policy for 12 years to allow us to test effort application and success, we give all product out in advance with a full money back immediate guarantee and our student testimonials are genuine and come frequently. 7. Please do not take my word for these things - arrange an appointment with me and fly down to our office and read the original testimonials yourself. 8. Again, Simon please contact me and I will be happy to go over your points in person. If you are a customer you will know how to get hold of me as my name is printed in your manuals or in DVD 1. All that matters here Simon, is that I am genuinely sorry that we let you down some how that you felt it necessary to post your message in the first place. We will try to make it up to you when you contact our office and we can look up your customer file for your specifics. Please ask for Sean Stoney who will arrange a convenient time for you and I to speak. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company AUTHOR: Richard - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 POSTED: Monday, November 22, 2004 Peter: Thanks for the supportive comments you made. I hope to meet you at OASIS in 2005. You obviously know us well and thanks for taking the time to answer Simon. It is students like you that we work for every day to provide a better service and raise our game. Bravo, Peter you nailed the comment about success and I am pleased to have people like you as part of the Optionetics family. Obrigado novamente. Richard Moving back to your comments, we do not know who you are or if you are even a customer. Let me address some of your observations: 1. Peters comments are accurate and I am happy to endorse them so there is no need to repeat them. 2. Sorry, we do not have employ anyone named Peter and it is a leap of error on your part just because someone says something supportivekind makes them an employee. In fact it is a sad image of the life that you make such a statement. Could not it just be that we did not answer you as we simply do not read these websites often. Actually, a customer upset at your post told me about your comments (and - no - not Peter). 3. My colleagues pedigrees as teachers, traders and as an authority in the subject of option trading are well known industry wide and this forum is not appropriate to justify them to you. Rather than repeat the obvious read the dust cover of any of our best selling books to read about their history. Or if you ever went to a seminar and asked them they would be happy to tell you their background, rates of return and successes. George and Tom have told their story enough on TV, radio and in books. Mike Wade is a great trader and speaks in his seminars of his background and successfailures. In fact all the instructors comment with humility about their failures aswell as their successes so you can learn from those too. 4. I should warn you that as my colleagues are very experienced traders you should not set your expectations on their level of success and hence why their track records could distort your view. Hence I believe that a students experience is a better indication of what you may achieve and so we use students as testimonials not George, Tom or any other instructors track record. I caveat these statements with your individual trading results will vary and you should consult your licensed trading advisor about your expectations and trades before option or stock trading. 5. No matter what I say in these Reports the anonymous voice shouts down or spins the truth about our company. Or falsely accuses me of doing the same. We have no idea if the posters are even customers (we have 40,000 customers across the globe). But we care enough to take the time to respond and explain why your statements are unjustified or incorrect. We invite you to call so we can offer solutions to you and that is great customer service. 6. So I will reiterate that you Simon, or any other student, does not need ANY tools to trade Optionetics successfully (although they make help), our guarantee is honored and clear in the contract that you sign (we do not move the goal posts after purchase), the 36 trades open and closed has been our policy for 12 years to allow us to test effort application and success, we give all product out in advance with a full money back immediate guarantee and our student testimonials are genuine and come frequently. 7. Please do not take my word for these things - arrange an appointment with me and fly down to our office and read the original testimonials yourself. 8. Again, Simon please contact me and I will be happy to go over your points in person. If you are a customer you will know how to get hold of me as my name is printed in your manuals or in DVD 1. All that matters here Simon, is that I am genuinely sorry that we let you down some how that you felt it necessary to post your message in the first place. We will try to make it up to you when you contact our office and we can look up your customer file for your specifics. Please ask for Sean Stoney who will arrange a convenient time for you and I to speak. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company AUTHOR: Peter - (U. S.A.) SUBMITTED: Thursday, November 18, 2004 POSTED: Thursday, November 18, 2004 I am a customer of Optionetics and have been for 5 years. I can speak from my personal experience and the people that I have met. I have attended over 15 events put on by Optionetics. I am making a living trading Optionetics. So instead of hype lets talk specifics: When you buy Optionetics you sign a contract. That contract contains the terms of purchase and the money back guarantees. It is not misleading. It is clear. If you dont read what you sign dont blame anyone but yourself. In the same contract it states other tools may be needed. Again read. At their annual convention this year I met hundreds of current successful students. Not from the 90s but from 2004. At seminars I meet the same. I am another such testimonial. For 5 years I have been coming back for free education and new updated materials. It is fantastic. I started out trading using FREE tools on the internet. Like Yahoo. I did not buy anything else until I had made money. Then I invested my profits back in more tools. Optionetics does not mislead its customers in my personal experience nor leave out material facts. What I was sold was exactly what I got - the best life time pass to free education. Cutting edge instructors with the latest techniques. Optionetics does not say turn 50 into 9000. That comment alone shows you no nothing about the company or trading. What they say is you can risk as little as 50 or 500 on a trade so that if you are 100 wrong you dont lose any more. To be able to make money you have to open and close a trade. That is what the Optionetics guarantee says, their website states and they have not altered this policy at least the last 5 years since I have been a customer. Warren Buffett extensively uses options to protect his investments. Again fact. He invests differently to a trader. The really great traders remain private John Henry, John Lampert, George Fontanills and retire quietly. Any way my take on Optionetics is great people, company with fine integrity, polite, professional and the real deal. I have been to many other programs and they all stand in the shadow of Optionetics. Respond to this report Are you an owner, employee or ex-employee with either negative or positive information about the company or individual, or can you provide insider information on this company

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